High-Quality Graphite Petroleum Coke: A Crucial Component in the Steel Industry

In the fast-paced world of construction and decoration materials, the steel industry stands as a cornerstone.  Within this industry, various materials play vital roles, and one such crucial component is high-quality graphite petroleum coke.


Aug 30,2023

Matters needing attention when purchasing high-power graphite electrodes

Material quality: High-quality graphite electrodes must be composed of high-purity, high-density materials, because graphite electrodes can withstand high temperature and high pressure during high-power heating. Inspection materials must meet industry standards.

Aug 04,2023

Carburizer for steelmaking

In steelmaking carburizing agent, carburizing agent is usually used to supplement and adjust the carbon content in liquid steel. Carburizing agent is the metallurgical material needed in steelmaking, which plays an important role in the internal organization of steel.

Aug 04,2023

The foundry uses the benefits of calcined petroleum coke and graphitized petroleum coke

Both calcined petroleum coke and graphitized petroleum coke are high-purity carbon materials with high calorific value, low ash content, low volatile matter and low sulfur content, so they can well guarantee the quality of casting products.


Aug 04,2023

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